The Next 45 Days of Your Life

Starting with the next chapter, I’m going to begin teaching you the core tools I have used over the past decade, and continue to use today, to live an Unstoppable and proactive life. 

These tools will help you realize the promise of this book: to live a proactive life and go GET the life that you deserve. The life that your family deserves. The life that your loved ones deserve. So that at your deathbed, you are not meeting a complete stranger, but you are meeting a mirror image of you, the absolute BEST VERSION of you. 

Here’s the thing, though: You will not succeed in adopting these tools, you will not succeed in adopting these new habits, and you will not succeed in changing the trajectory of your life, if you do not commit. 

How do you commit?

We’ll kick off a 45-day Challenge, of course. 

I want you to kick off a 45-day Challenge starting today -- to adopt the ideas I am going to present to you in the subsequent chapters of this book. 

I want you to kick off a 45-day Challenge starting today -- to commit to making a change in your life. 

I want you to kick off a 45-day Challenge in which you will schedule in time to WORK on this. 

I want you to kick off a 45-day Challenge in which you will spend every Sunday afternoon to pause and reflect by practicing Unstoppable Sundays.

I want you to kick off a 45-day Challenge in which you will map out your next seven days, then your next 365 days, and then your five-year vision for your life.

Over the next 45 days, you will turn this book -- which has just my words and empty boxes -- into a concrete, proactive plan for your life. This book will become your book. Your roadmap. Your path to the life that you deserve. 

Are you ready?