What's Ahead For You
In the following chapters, I’ll introduce key ideas to help you create a plan for yourself and to continuously improve upon it:
In Chapters 1 through 3, I’ll introduce you to the core principles of Dreaming, Belief and Discipline that makes for a proactive life. I’ll also dive into what separates the DABBLERS from the DO-ERS and why visualizing the STATUS QUO of your life will help you conceptualize why changing the trajectory of your life is a MUST.
In Chapter 4, I’ll introduce you to the concept of a 45-Day challenge. A tool that I’ve used in my life over and over again to drive focused and purposeful change in my life in an easy way.
In Chapter 5, I introduce you to the idea of practicing Unstoppable Sundays: We’ll teach you to reflect on and plan for the next seven days so that you can eradicate the Sunday Scaries and get proactive about the week ahead...
In Chapter 6, I help you zoom out and start to think about your one-year plan by answering a set of very pointed questions that help you to practice gratitude, to assess where you are today, and to then start laying out a plan for your next 365 days.
In Chapter 7, I introduce a new tool that you can use to become proactive about the 365 days you are given every year, so that you can be proactive about how you spend your days and months in a given year, and you will be able to make tough trade-offs on what you spend your time on versus not -- ahead of time, instead of two weeks before Thanksgiving.
In Chapter 8, now that you have established an understanding of where you are in your current situation (next seven days; next 365 days), in this chapter we help you really zoom out, think big, and think about the next five years of your life and the vision you want to set for yourself.
In Chapter 9, I walk you through the most significant impediment you face in your life in achieving your goals, and how you can overcome it by making one simple change. (hint: It’s all about the law of averages.)
- In Chapter 10, the closing chapter, I wrap it all together and walk you through how you can now start to use the tools and follow the systems we gave you and practice the art of being proactive in your life. We teach you the reminders you will need to set on your calendar in order to make sure you continue to iterate on your life plan and become Unstoppable in life.
If you have the Belief that what you desire is possible and achievable, and if you have the Discipline to pursue that Belief with focused and purposeful action, regardless of the roadblocks that you encounter -- you will be Unstoppable.
Let’s get started. Let’s go create your life plan. Let’s go make you Unstoppable.